The Jobs Dashboard is the most used section of the Sway Me Good platform. It is where you manage and progress influencers who have applied to work with you.
The Jobs Dashboard shows essential topline data about the job but also indicates how many creatives are at which stage in your campaign process. Selecting these headers, filters to influences at that stage only.
Filters and Sort
You can filter by:
- Followers: this is the minimum follower level for this social media channel.
- Engagement: this is the minimum percentage of engagement you want to see results for.
- RCP: the Rate Card Price filter allows to show influencers by the amount you pay to engage them.
- Value: the Value filter allows you to focus on creative’s RCP within expected ranges.
- Categories: you can filter by one, or more, Categories attributed to influencers within this listing.
- Keywords: you can filter by one, or more, Keywords from previous posts, attributed to influencers within this listing.
The SwayInsights button gives additional insight and aggregated metrics for the influencers selected.
Either filter, and then select all (top tick-box). Or manually select/deselect the tick-boxes at the beginning of each influencer's data row.
Additional data to assist you with decision making includes:
Total Followers: this is a sum of the expected reach for these creatives and predicted impressions for future posts, based on historical social account performance.
- Average Engagement: the average engagement score across all creatives selected.
- SwayMatch Average: this is the average SwayMatch score across all creatives selected.
- SwayMatch Range: this shows the highest and lowest SwayMatch score range.
- Total RCP: this is the total amount you will pay if all contracts are accepted.
- SwayInsights is only available when highlighted.
Assign Tags
You can select one, or more, creatives and tag them using the Assign Tag dropdown.
Select the influencers by clicking anywhere on their row. You can then assign a tag from the dropdown.
For example you could have a tag of “Shortlist” before you take action to accept or reject creatives. You would then be able to do this as a bulk action.
You can create your own tags with Create Tag. Apply a name and a tag colour and you are done.
Remove tags by selecting the same tag in the dropdown to toggle.
View Tags
You can then recall these influencers to your listing by using the View dropdown list to show creatives with one or more particular tags.
Accept All
This will accept all influencers selected and will initiate a contractual commitment to pay the RCP associated. This approves these influencers to create content for you and to proceed to the next step in the process.
Reject All
This will reject all influencers selected and will automate communication to tell them they have not been selected for this job.
You can also see how many Influencers are selected out of all applicable creatives.
Creatives Results
For each applied influencer you can see:
- Username: this is the Sway Me Good Username.
- Followers: this is the total amount of followers this influencer has on all linked social media platforms.
- Avg. Eng.: Average Engagement is an estimate of this influencer's next post, in terms of impressions (likes,comments etc) per follower.
- RCP: the Rate Card Price is the amount you pay to engage this Influencer. The background colour of the RCP is indicative of AI analysis to provide insight into whether the RCP is within expected ranges for the individual influencer.
- Categories: these are the primary categories this creative works in. Hovering over this column shows all data.
- Keywords: these are keywords, gleaned from hashtags used for previous content. Hovering over this column shows all data.
- Accept: clicking the accept button approves this influencer to create content for you and to proceed to the next step in the process.
Columns can be ordered into the way you want them to appear, using the drag icon.
By accepting an influencer’s application, you are agreeing to pay associated fees, as displayed as RCP. Display price for the exclude applicable VAT.
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