The Sway Me Good Platform allows existing users to invite other colleagues and partners to collaborate on influencer discovery and management. Existing users can invite new users, who will be sent an email with a link to validate and choose a password. Once accepted, these user accounts can be managed, edited and removed. Permission roles can then be applied to users, to protect sensitive configuration options and billing data.
The user that created the Sawy Me Good account initially, is considered the Owner. This can be reassigned, if necessary.
Company Configuration / Company Users
Users with the requisite permission Role are able to send invites by email. They can optionally include the name of the user and choose a permission role.
These invitations are shown at the bottom of Company users, with functionality to edit and resend, if required.
New User Email and Activation
The user will then receive an email, inviting them to join your team, with a link where they can edit and confirm their details. They will also be asked to set a secure password and to validate a mobile number for authentication.
Once completed, they will be automatically logged in to the platform.
Editing Users
Once a User has accepted and validated their account, they will appear in the list of all accounts within Company Users. Heere a user can be edited, ade inactive or have their Permission Role changed. They can also be archived which remove them from view.
Ownership of a company account can also be transferred here.
Permission Role Applied
If a User has the Role of Manager, they will not be able to view or edit billing and payment information.
If a User has the Role of Assistant, they will not be able to view or edit any Company Configurations.
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